Monday, September 12, 2011

Paulie Pays Back

Oftentimes, i transferred bird cages from one corner to the other, or sometimes transferred them from flight cages to breeding cages or vice versa. Yesterday, as i was busy doing the same, i switched Paulie's Nest Box with the other Cockatiel's Box. In doing so, i just put a small wired cover unto the hole of Paulie's Cage and has continued my activities... Been very busy that didnt noticed that my dear parrot has loosen the cover and accidentally escaped. It may have taken quite a long while before i noticed that he wasn't on his cage anymore and found him resting on top the aviary facade, looking at the open space where there are lot of trees beyond his view. At first, i must admit that i got worried seeing him from there, that he might fly away and be gone. But looking through, i always believed he loves me, and will never leave. I have been his dear friend and confident with the friendship we have. With that chance to be free and back to nature, what would Paulie choose?

He flew!!! But on my shoulder and kissed me. With that, he has only proven how much he treasures me as his mother, friend, a companion. Paulie has nothing to prove his love to me anymore --- i am glad he pays back all the love i gave to him.