Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Joy Of Handfeeding Birds

I just simply love handfeeding birds. It started two years ago, when i was still a novice one, out of my excitement, i opened up one nesting box and had the mother lovebird flew away... Out of guilty feelings, i have handreared her three little babies, two of which are Pip and Pipay. And the other one is called Pongpong.

Next to it are my three albino eyerings, which i bought from a friend. I have them adopted for their mom happen to laid new eggs and has already neglected them. You will find a video here of my three albino eyerings. I called them sila Puti, Petitit and Popot.

About two months ago, a man came to me carrying a baby Kulasisi (Philippine Hanging Parrot). Ive never seen a kulasisi before but has seen it in the internet tho. So when it was shown to me, i knew by then that it was still an inakay (baby bird). He was so skinny and i know if i wont get him from that man, he would die very soon. Would you believe that Kusi (his name) happen to a very tamed kulasisi now and he chirps loudly each time i called his name. He also kisses me each time i come near to him.

Just recently, i bought two little blue naped parrots and they are growing so fast now. I have named them Marsh and Mallow and together with Kusi, they lived inside my room. These three had bring back the smiles in me.

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