Friday, September 3, 2010

Green Winged Macaw

Eng. Green Winged Macaw, Greenwing Macaw
Lat. Ara Chloroptera

green winged macaw photo
On the photo up you can see one nice green winged macaw.

ORIGIN: Eastern Panama and northwest Colombia; East of Andes from eastern Colombia and Venezuela, south Ecuador, Peru, Guyana and Surinam to Brazil. Western and eastern Bolivia, Paraguay and the Argentinian province of Formosa.

macaw location map

PHYSICAL APPEARENCE: There are eighteen species of macaws and the biggest macaw is Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthus) sized 100 cm (40 in in length.The dwarfish macaw (Macaw n.Nobilis), sized only 30 cm (12 in) in length, belongs to one of the smallest species of macaws. There are two species of macaws which are most commonly kept as pets: the Green-winged Macaws and the Blue and Yellow Macaws. According to the size, the Green-winged Macaw belongs to a group of larger macaws, sized 90 cm (36 in)
It is one of the most speckled of the macaw species. Red is the dominant color of these birds. The wings are dark red near the torso and green in the middle while wing tips are blue with dark blue edgings. The shoulders are covered with red feathers and with green outer edgings.

greenwing macaw bird photo
GreenWing Macaw bird play on grass.

The tail is a dark red color with blue tips and a middle stripe. The bill horn is big and powerful, and the upper part of the bill is an ivory color with blackish sides. The lower part is totally black. The feet are dark grey with dark nails. The iris is pale-yellow. Around the eye, there is a weak feathered part of white color speckled with red feathers. Their sex is not clearly distinguishable. Females tend to be larger with a wider forehead.

KEEPING AND CARE: The cage where macaws are kept must be comfortable enough and of minimal dimensions, 120 cm (47 in) in width and 100 cm (40 in) in length. It should be made of strong wires as they like climbing on it by using their strong bill. The cage must be placed in peaceful surroundings and protected from draught winds. In oppressive heat, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight. Macaws have been known to be capable of prounouncing about 50 words. Macaws are generally not so talkative and are able to learn only about 10 words. As pets, they are most frequently kept separately. They have a loud voice but they are rarely vocal. If you consider getting one as a pet, it is better to acquire it as young as possible for the sake of easier socialization. All macaws hatched in captivity wear a ring with the first year of birth and a breeder's register number around the leg. These birds are mainly fed by hand so they are calm, socialized and tame.

macaw as pet photo
Macaw as pet picture.

DIET: The main source of nutrition is speckled (protein) sunflower. Apart from the sunflower, their dietary intake consists of white sunflower, peanuts, shelled oats, corn seeds, pine-nuts, buckweat and hemp. As an additional source of nutrition, various tropical fruits, vegetables and various kinds of nuts can be added. Food rich in minerals is very important for their nutrition. It can be added both as a cuttle-bone or as a ready-made mixture. Fruits and vegetables must be also included, especially apples, bananas, grapes, carrots, blade and chicory.

BREEDING MACAWS: In nature they live in pairs or in smaller flocks of 10 birds. Apart from the Red Macaws there are Blue and Yellow Macaws and Scarlet Macaws (Ara macao). Breeding in shelters is very complicated. Macaws are monogamic birds so they stay with their mating partner for their entire life. The selected birds can fledge very soon but sometimes they need up to 10 days. Aviaries must be comfortable enough with fairly thick branches that allow standing and serve for sharpening their bill. It is recommended that the aviaries consist of two parts: exterior and interior part. In breeding season, the nest made of a block of wood or a wooden box, should be placed in the interior part as to protect the birds. The nest must be spacious enough. The optimal measure for a nest is 55x70x100 cm (22x28x40 in) with an entrance hole of 22 cm (8 in).

breeding macaws photo
Breeding macaws is very complicated. On the picture above is shown breeding nest. It's not possible to see macaw's eggs inside.

The breeding period begins in April. During the breeding period, the birds become unsettled and show aggressiveness. They usually clutch 1 to 3 eggs which are not often fertile. Incubation lasts 25 to 27 days. Eggs and the younglings must be checked regularly. It is very common for the parents to break the eggs. The nest must be checked when the adult birds are out of the nest in order not to scare the birds, break the eggs or injure the younglings by chance. It is also recommended that a nest have an outside access for checking so as not to scare the birds by approaching the aviary. Parents take care of the birds for the first 12 weeks.Food based on eggs, which is highly protein, is added as a diet supplement at the time of the birds feeding. If one notices that the birds are weak and skinny, one must support them or completely feed them by hand. Birds fed by hand are more tame and may facilitate smoother socialization toward humans.

INTERESTING FACTS: There are examples of these birds which have lived up to 120 years, but on average macaw life span is about 80 years.

pet macaw
On the picture you can see macaw as pet.

Generally they are not talkative parrots, but there are some examples of macaws whose talk could even be compared to the most talkative birds, Grey Parrots.
Their species is among the largest within the parrot kingdom.
In nature, great flocks of about 100 and even more individual birds can be seen searching for minerals and nutrition among rocks. They love bathing.
They can be taught to perform various tricks.

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