Thursday, April 1, 2010

DIY Bird Toys - One Creation Led To Another And Another...

A few months back, out of boredom i bought two pairs of parakeets and two pairs of african lovebirds. Upon watching these birds, i noticed that they are very playful and just like kids they also love toys and so i roamed around every petshop just to look for nice bird toys they can play with. I was able to buy a few but it get easily broken by my birds in a day or two, some even just last for hours , although thats the way it must be --- it only mean that i got healthy playful energetic pets.

I saw beautiful bird toys in the internet but they are pretty expensive being imported. With that i have decided to make toys instead. With my bare hands and the supplies and materials which i bought in bulk, one creation led to another creation and so forth. I fancied doing the bird stuff which made my birds happier and geezz they multiplied tenfold. My birds pen becomes a sight in the community i live with and many children would come and see my birds. And others have insisted ordering and buying my pets and accessories, and so that made ibonlandia came into the market.

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