Friday, November 26, 2010

Zed And The Story Of His Three-some Parents

Meet Zed, my newest bebe to be handreared to become tame and very lovable pet bird. He was abandoned by his parents after i moved the cage to the other corner of my aviary and changed the nestbox since it was 85% full of nesting materials. Below is the picture of his moms.........

Heppp...... I know what ya thinking? You must be wondering why i said moms? You heard me right, moms..... It is so becase there are two females and a male in there. I bought Zed's moms in a store at the Cartimar two years ago. There is this store out there where you can buy birds already paired and each are caged separately, but after awhile i found out theyre both females. It was only a few months back that i got a male mate for them. Ofcourse i wanted to have two males for my ladies but it was not easy to find DDF green personata in my area. But somehow, it all pay-off becase they give me Zed. Definitely, there be more babies on their next clutches and need not bother them again for they have already proven enough

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