Sunday, March 27, 2011

Know The Difference Between A Healthy And Sick Bird

In the last lesson, we mentioned that visiting a breeder is
the best option when you are buying birds for the first
time. You will only be able to find a healthy bird if you
know the difference between a healthy bird and a sick bird.

At first glance, you won't be able to tell a sick bird
from a group of birds. But upon closer inspection, there
are specific traits or characteristics that will tell you
that a bird should not be purchased because of its
poor health:

1. An active bird is the picture of optimum bird
health. If a bird is constantly flying, hopping and preening
itself, that means the bird is in top condition.

Inversely, a bird that seems dizzy or lethargic may be
suffering from "star gazing" disorder or it may be suffering
from an infection. Fluffy feathers also means the bird may
be feeling cold and weak.

2. Take a look at the bird's feathers. Healthy birds
have uniform, smooth-patterned feathers and no balding
areas. Sick birds will have balding spots and the vent
region (the bird's bottom) will have wet, dirty feathers.

3. The bird's head can also tell you if it is healthy
or not. A healthy bird will have an erect, jaunty head and
clear, bright eyes. If the bird's head is moving from side
to side, the bird is probably suffering from a neurological
disorder or from malnutrition.

if you just have brought a new bird to your home, the next
lesson will be very interesting for you.

We'll talk about how important it is that all the small
things are done correctly to ensure that your new mate
thrive in it's new home.

Talk soon,
Jone Knoph

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