Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cause And Effect Of Huge Increase Of Prices Of Bird SeedsWith the huge increase of prices of bird seeds, a few bird breeders in my area has withdrawn interest in bird handling. Being an accountant myself, i know just how it is to look over cost vs benefits... I too sometimes is getting into the idea of quitting and just practice again my profession. The truth is, bird farming is no easy task, infact a tough one... I am categorically my birds' slave.. Its no joke getting up so early in the morning, changing waters, filling their food cups and feeders, cleaning the cages and finally its surrounding... its taking me three to four hours before im done!!! And it doesnt stop from there, for i would do the same thing again in the afternoon...I do not really mind what i am doing... I am driven by my passion. This is what i like doing,,, So, got no regrets..The only hard part is the tremendous price increase of bird seeds and bird feeds... Though its inevitable, since prices of all other things increases without exemption, but i see prices of birds around here do not!!! Do you find it as sane still??? I do not... But its not as simple as that, think about price manipulation :P I can be very brutal and can explore on what i mean by price manipulation, but i will leave it in your imagination...

With the huge increase of prices of bird seeds, a few bird breeders in my area has withdrawn interest in bird handling. Being an accountant myself, i know just how it is to look over cost vs benefits... I too sometimes is getting into the idea of quitting and just practice again my profession. The truth is, bird farming is no easy task, infact a tough one... I am categorically my birds' slave.. Its no joke getting up so early in the morning, changing waters, filling their food cups and feeders, cleaning the cages and finally its surrounding... its taking me three to four hours before im done!!! And it doesnt stop from there, for i would do the same thing again in the afternoon...I do not really mind what i am doing... I am driven by my passion. This is what i like doing,,, So, got no regrets..The only hard part is the tremendous price increase of bird seeds and bird feeds... Though its inevitable, since prices of all other things increases without exemption, but i see prices of birds around here do not!!! Do you find it as sane still??? I do not... But its not as simple as that, think about price manipulation :P I can be very brutal and can explore on what i mean by price manipulation, but i will leave it in your imagination...

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